Help Needed: (PHP) authenticated API requests with github example

I am using the authentication example from github:

The example works, but when trying to create a custom authenticated API request…

        // You can now create authenticated API requests through the provider.
        $request = $provider->getAuthenticatedRequest(

… but var_export($request); returns something weird like this…

   'method' => 'GET',
   'requestTarget' => NULL,
   'uri' => 
     'scheme' => 'https',
     'userInfo' => '',
     'host' => '',
     'port' => NULL,
     'path' => '/kraken/user',
     'query' => '',
     'fragment' => '',
   'headers' => 
  array (
    'Host' => 
    array (
      0 => '',
    'Client-ID' => 
    array (
      0 => '<Removed>',
    'Accept' => 
    array (
      0 => 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json',
    'Authorization' => 
    array (
      0 => 'Bearer <Removed>',
   'headerNames' => 
  array (
    'client-id' => 'Client-ID',
    'accept' => 'Accept',
    'authorization' => 'Authorization',
    'host' => 'Host',
   'protocol' => '1.1',
   'stream' => NULL,

…and not something like this, which I was hoping to get:

    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 130710009
                    [login] => cr4zyeasy
                    [display_name] => Cr4zyEasy
                    [type] => 
                    [broadcaster_type] => 
                    [description] => 
                    [profile_image_url] =>
                    [offline_image_url] => 
                    [view_count] => 32



(I don’t want to do this request, it was just an example to simplify my problem)

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Been a while since I have used GuzzleHttp but I think you may want to do something like:

    $result = $response->getBody();
    $object = json_decode($result);

I seem to recall needing to get back the body object then decode that. Keep in mind, been a while, I could be very wrong!


I think you are also just building the $request which is to be sent. What you are viewing is the request packet, (by the way - remove that Bearer token from the above screenshot). You need to send the request. Again, I haven’t touched GuzzleHttp in a while, so this could be wrong:

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); 
$response = $client->send($request);  # Send your request that you built.
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Thanks for the answer.

I’m now using this code:

        $request = $provider->getAuthenticatedRequest(

        $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
        $response = $client->send($request);

        $result = $response->getBody();
        $object = json_decode($result);

        print $object;

Now I’m actually getting something - an error message:

Caught exception: Client error: `GET` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response: {"error":"Unauthorized","status":401,"message":"authentication failed"}

It usually should mean, that either the client id or secret is wrong, but it definetly isn’t, because the example script is working perfectly fine…

Example Script
        // Using the access token, get user profile
        $resourceOwner = $provider->getResourceOwner($accessToken);
        $user = $resourceOwner->toArray();

So, why do I get an error, even though my client id / secret is correct?

Now using cURL, which works perfectly fine.


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My only guess is that the header wasn’t being built right. Although, looks like you followed the directions. I wonder if you had tried without the Bearer token for laughs and double checked the headers being sent. Sorry things didn’t work out though! Glad you got cURL working.

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