ROOMSTATE incorrect when it changes after initial join ROOMSTATE

Hello, so for 2 or 3 days now everything is jsut bugged on twitch.

Example: Roomstate first (which is a new one never got that sent when changing a state before)

1. Turning on slow mode: (slow mode is correctly set to 10)

{ 'broadcaster-lang': null,
  'emote-only': false,
  'followers-only': false,
  r9k: false,
  rituals: false,
  'room-id': '127184946',
  slow: '10',
  'subs-only': false,
  channel: '#jaielsoft' }

[E] <08/Mar/2019 08:08:16> Slow-mode (10 seconds) has been activated by jaielsoft

2. Turning on emoteonly mode(emoteonly is set to OH NO slow is gone):

{ 'broadcaster-lang': null,
  'emote-only': true,
  'followers-only': false,
  r9k: false,
  rituals: false,
  'room-id': '127184946',
  slow: false,
  'subs-only': false,
  channel: '#jaielsoft' }

[E] <08/Mar/2019 08:08:27> Emote-only has been activated by jaielsoft

3. Reconnecting to chat again(slow is set to 10 again and subs only is also back to true):

{ 'broadcaster-lang': null,
  'emote-only': true,
  'followers-only': false,
  r9k: false,
  rituals: false,
  'room-id': '127184946',
  slow: '10',
  'subs-only': true,
  channel: '#jaielsoft' }

4. Turning off sub mode(now everything seems to be turned off again):

{ 'broadcaster-lang': null,
  'emote-only': false,
  'followers-only': false,
  r9k: false,
  rituals: false,
  'room-id': '127184946',
  slow: false,
  'subs-only': false,
  channel: '#jaielsoft' }

[E] <08/Mar/2019 08:09:02> Subs-only has been deactivated by jaielsoft

So what is going on there? It’s not only bugging my bot but also the whole frontend of twitch

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Whole Twitch IRC is bugged and I see noone talks about it

Coz it’s not? Otherwise we would be…

I have observed, when you/a mod/the bot change the state of a channel (subOnly/emoteOnly etc) the returned roomstate as a result of that event only returns what was changed, not the whole roomstate packet.

it has also been observed (and reported) that putting emoteonly on, and then turning it off “too quickly” will result in emoteonly being stuck on.

Alright so if its not a problem…why is twitch’s website interface changing its indicators aswell?

Turn off followeronly check if the checkmark in setting is off and then turn on slow mode and check again --> checkmark is back on follower only mode

And I did not have that behaviour in my bot 4 days ago else I would see it as a normal thing BUT I noticed this behaviour only the day before yesterday for the first time. So it is NOT how it used to be some days ago and also seeing that twitchs interface behaves this way aswell led to the conclusion something is strange on twitch now

You are referring to the mod tools?


That’s a first party issue and should be reported to @TwitchSupport on Twitter rather than the Third Party Forums. I was able to replicate it. But We don’t really handle first party/main website bugs here

That is what Im telling you guys. Something changed and I did not have this behaviour before it was at the exact same day twitch web interface changed to this behaviour. And room state was not send with every change before. Now it does and you can see that Twitchs webinterface is also suffering from this changes as it bugs out their interface aswell. Something changed for sure, Im starting to think Im crazy making up some conspiracy theories XD

The documentation states:

For a join, the message contains all chat-room settings. For changes, only the relevant tag is sent.

The example shows this correctly:

Example: On the dallas channel, slow mode is set to 10 seconds:

> @slow=10 ROOMSTATE #dallas

Only including the relevant tag would be fine (and I think it did before), but at least right now it’s sending all the tags, but all the non-changed ones set to “0”:

SENT: PRIVMSG #tduvatest :/slow
@msg-id=slow_on NOTICE #tduvatest :This room is now in slow mode. You may send messages every 120 seconds.
@emote-only=0;followers-only=0;r9k=0;rituals=0;room-id=41140058;slow=120;subs-only=0 ROOMSTATE #tduvatest

SENT: PRIVMSG #tduvatest :/emoteonly
@msg-id=emote_only_on NOTICE #tduvatest :This room is now in emote-only mode.
@emote-only=1;followers-only=0;r9k=0;rituals=0;room-id=41140058;slow=0;subs-only=0 ROOMSTATE #tduvatest

On join:

@emote-only=1;followers-only=-1;r9k=0;rituals=0;room-id=41140058;slow=120;subs-only=0 ROOMSTATE #tduvatest

So it is sending wrong information on ROOMSTATE change messages.

Exactly what I was observing thanks for your comment. It changed like maybe 2 or 3 days ago. I don’t know if someone effed it up or they do some internal changes or so. Hope it gets back to normal.


OP was confusing as it was talking about the mod tools, not the raw roomstate over TMI specifically.

Mod Tools is first party
TMI is again a bug, which we can’t do anything with but try and pass it up the chain, which is best reported to @TwitchSupport/@TwitchDev on the Twitter. But I’ll tag someone whom might be able to take a look

I suppose the real reason it’s not noticed is that no one uses roomstate or change modes often enough to need/want to track status of the room in roomstate anyway

Yeah the mod tools I talked about was just to show an example that not only the tmi side is bugged but their frontend also suffers from that new situation as well. That was only after you brought up that its not bugged though…The OP was all about the room state

Updating the thread title to something useful. Other than “why is not one talking about this being broken”

Twitch says their is an open issues about ROOMSTATE and it’ll be looked at soon!


ok thank you for the edit and the update ont hat matter

This morning my bot logged an incremental roomstate behaving correctly

So could be fixed

can cofirm it works as usual again for me too

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