Wrong return type of scope on token endpoint

Hello there,

I am experiencing an issue with the OAuth2 and especially the OIDC implementation.

The reason seems to be an invalid type of the scope value in the token response.

  1. What is actually happening?
    After getting the code from a client, one will perform a POST request to the /oauth2/token endpoint.
    The resulting response looks like this:

       "access_token": "redacted",
       "refresh_token": "redacted",
       "expires_in": 3600,
       "scope": ["openid"],
       "id_token": "redacted"
  2. What is documented?
    The dev.twitch.tv documentation [1] states, that the resulting response should look like this:

       "access_token": "redacted",
       "refresh_token": "redacted",
       "expires_in": 3600,
       "scope": "openid",
       "id_token": "redacted"
  3. What should be happening?
    According to RFC6749 section 5.1 [2] first of all the implementation of the scope key-value is optional. It is only REQUIRED ([3]) when you actually grant more or less scopes than the user intially requested. However the value should follow the specs described in RFC6749 section 3.3 which would result in a space-seperated(!) value for the scope [3].

This issue has already been partly addressed by [4], however it has been thought to be in the wrong place (the documentation) while it actually seems to be an implementation issue.

The result of this implementation issue is a non conformity with the OAuth2 spec resulting in a non conformity with the OIDC specification and thus with some OIDC clients. I, in particular, experienced this issue with Red Hat Kleycloak.


[1] https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication#oidc-authorization-code-flow-id-tokens-and-user-access-tokens
[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5.1
[3] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3
[4] Docs list incorrect type for oauth "scope" field

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