Can't register application to get Client ID

In my Twitch account, I am pressing the “Register your application” button in the connections page in settings, however, it redirects me to the profile settings, saying my profile has been saved, but nothing shows up under “Other connections”. No error at all, and sometimes it redirects me without any sort of message. Does anyone have any insight on this?

You’re clicking “Register your application” at the bottom of, correct? I can’t seem to reproduce this on Chrome for Windows or Mac. Which browser are you on? That button just hyperlinks to here, BTW:

Correct, I am pressing that button. I tried it in Safari and Chrome for Mac on both macOS 10.11 and 10.12. I see it going to that URL, however, it immediately redirects to the profile settings ( After clicking that button, nothing shows up under “Other Connections”.

OK. I can’t reproduce this on Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. The Mac I’m using is 10.10.5 though. Windows machine is Win10.

Can you navigate directly to the URL I pasted above? What happens when you go directly? It’s the same hyperlink as on the page and leads to the form to fill out to register the developer application.

Clicking on that link and pasting it in the URL bar also redirects to I just tried it in Firefox 50.1.0 on Windows 10 and same thing. Can I send you my Twitch username/email? Maybe there’s some issue with my account

I’m seeing the same issue as OP

In devtools, i see the request to the link you send shows a 302 redirect to the profiles page

I also see the same issue. Click on register an application and it redirects back to the #profile section of the settings page.

@RyanVerhey @sbberic @dvs_gaming: Do you have a verified email address? That’s a requirement for registering an application. If you’re not verified, it will redirect you to that page.

I thought I had, I changed my email address recently. I clicked the “Verify” button next to my email address and a red alert comes up that says simply “400”. Note: my email address has a plus sign (+) in it.

I just refreshed the page and the verification email was sent, verified and I can now see the “Register your Application” form. Thanks for the help!

Glad that worked! :slight_smile:

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