Channel join callback

I need get channel join callback

is it possible?

Not sure what you mean? Can you elaborate?

If you are talking about getting events for when users join and leave a channel’s chat room, you can request membership after signing into the IRC. This will make it so you can get JOIN and PART commands which signify when a user joins or leaves a chat room.

So basically when you sign in, do something to the tune of this:

public void RequestMembership()
    Log.Header(TimeStamp.TimeLong, debug_prefix + "Requesting 'membership' from Twitch IRC.");
    Send("CAP REQ");

And then handle the messages them as they come accordingly:

case "JOIN":
        // NOTE: (IrcClient) IRC Command - JOIN requires /membership per the Twitch doc, however it has been confirmed to function the same even without requesting /membership 
        OnJoin.Raise(this, new JoinEventArgs(raw_message, irc_message));
case "PART":
        // NOTE: (IrcClient) IRC Command - PART requires /membership per the Twitch doc, however it has been confirmed to function the same even without requesting /membership 
        OnPart.Raise(this, new PartEventArgs(raw_message, irc_message));

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