Channel points API - Update Redemption Status endpoint should be accessible using client flow

The concerned endpoint:
I understand that asking for the user’s twitch token for creation and deletion of custom redemptions seems logic, but why do we need to provide a user token instead of client credentials for validating a redemption status ?
I am currently using Webhooks to listen to the redemptions requests from the users, and I have no way to validate the redemption status because I need the user’s token instead of the client credentials.
I find it more appropriate to check by client_id and client credentials for the update of the status of a redemption instead of using the user’s token, because the webhooks system is not very adapted for it if it’s not the case.

Is there a rework planned for this ? Or I have to assume that the redemption will never fail and automatically set it status to done ?


The redemption update topic will give you this state change

Will give you the update when a redemption changes states

You should have the user token on file from the initial registration from the user, since they have to auth in order for you to be able to eventsub in the first place.

At time of writing to read/write channel point redemptions from the API you need a user token.

Feature requests to change this behaviour can be filed at the uservoice

But your use case is odd, since you should have a user token handy to use.
Since a user token is used to mark a redemption as complete too via the API. (Not just for checking status)

So not sure why you don’t have a user token handy in this example.

I prefer to avoid to have to store & refresh users token on my databases side.

It seems logical for me that the Client who created these Rewards should also be able to update their redemption state.

My app didn’t use a user-input to validate the redemption state, it’s the webhook who will do that (the goal is to use the hook to update the redemption state after giving the viewer an item in an internal inventory system), I would have preferred to be able to directly use my Client Credentials instead of the Broadcaster token, but if it is needed, I’ll do with what I have :slight_smile: !

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