/channels/:channel/follows endpoint caching duration

I am trying to figure out why my calls to the endpoint sometimes update after 3-5minutes and not within 1-2minutes.
Several threads here would suggest that the caching time is around a minute or something and with only requesting data from the endpoint once a minute, I would expect at highest a 2min delay.
This is not the case.

I don’t think this issue is related to my code, tried it with simply calling it in my browser and well its just a stupid request. And just wrote with another streamer with the same issue, my follow showed up 5:20min after following with a 11sec broadcaster delay.

I know this question pops up regularly here but none of the answers were satisfying. How is for example twitchalerts doing it? I currently run my own alerts + twitchalerts and its really fun to see my own alert pop up 3-4min after twitchalerts alert.

Any help would be appreciated.

Cache duration is not guaranteed to be 60 seconds, and varies by endpoint.

Thanks for the reply, Fugiman.
Buuuuut that is not really an satisfying answer.
Is there anything I can do to avoid a 2-5min delay?
There must be a way, e.g twitchalerts is doing it. And please, not the “ask nightdev” answer.

Is there anything I can do to avoid a 2-5min delay?

If your cache issue is a client-side one, you can try appending a timestamp to the API calls to prevent the browser cache from returning its stored response. I recommend also polling at a slower rate. Twitch recommends keeping polling requests a minimum of once per 60 seconds.

And please, not the “ask nightdev” answer.


Consider that TwitchAlerts and other Alerters for followers will obtain the data from the end point and then spread the data over the following minute to make it seem like it’s in realtime/not bunched up

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