Chatters info via chatbot

It has already been announced that the unofficial chatters endpoint will be shut down on Monday. As an alternative solution, I attempted to obtain the same information from a chatbot that I created using the TwitchIO library. Whenever the bot is connected to the chat and receiving messages, the value of “” provides a list of active chatters. However, there are two issues to consider:

  1. Inactive chatters are not removed from the list, causing it to continuously increase in size without any means of identifying currently active users.
  2. When the number of viewers exceeds 1,000, the result list is incomplete, starting with two users (the streamer and the bot itself) and increasing by one in each iteration.

I am curious whether it is possible to obtain the same type of information that was included in the endpoint, but from the chatbot instead.

Not with any accuracy no.

A chat bot is reliant on people talking.
And lurkers lurk.

You can’t tell if someone left or switched to just watching.

Thx for reply. Yeah, tbh expecting something like that.
Any idea about point 2?

The libraries method of collecting a list of user?

Sounds like it’s using JOIN/PART which doesn’t work in channels with 1k+ viewers.

Bots have no good way to monitor whom is in the chatters list unless you have moderator permissions (or highrer) and thus can call the replacement endpoint.

Which I assume you can’t hence you raised this post in the first place

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