Check if streamer is streaming

Hi, can anyone explain to me, how to check if streamer is streaming in JAVA ? And how i can check if there a new follower in JAVA ? (NOT JAVASCRIPT)

Like this.

In other words, you make a GET request to the Server sending your Client-ID from your registered application (here) , and you’ll receive a response structured like this:

If stream’s offline:



   "stream": {
      "channel": {

You should check Twitch API docs for more.

If you want to know how to do this specifically in Java, you should learn how to make requests to a generic Server in Java first.

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in short? Either find a library that already exists or research the HttpsURLConnection Java class. That may be used to connect to remote servers (as mentioned above). You will need to also look at a JSON class, I like org.JSON myself.

There are many other classes and APIs available, this is just an example of two that you can research.

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