Chrome extension that sends a message every a specific period of time

I’m developing a chrome extension that sends a message every a specific period of time
by changing value into the text area but clicking on “Chat” button does not send the message into the chat unless i manually add at least one character of my own inside text area. is that because the chrome extension I am developing not flagged as known bot or verified bot?
I’m new to twitch TV community so titles like “verified_bot” , “white_list” and “known_bot” are new to me and I have no enough knowledge about them

No, it’s because you are simulating a click jacking attack and doing something nefarious.

If you want to send to chat, make a connection to Twitch Chat via Web Sockets with the relevant chat_login scope and actually send to chat, don’t simulate events on the UI

could you give ore details please?

Aka, just build a chat bot instead of a chrome extension

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