Cumulative Subscription Tenure - PubSub and UserNotice Updates for Launch

Hi Everyone!

We announced Cumulative Subscription Tenure at TwitchCon and we’re now ready to provide an update on the changes that are coming with the update. In terms of timeline, we are currently working on our data migration and end to end testing; we are aiming for an end of January launch and will provide a hard launch date on 1/23/2019. I will post in this this thread when we have a date update.

With the Cumulative Subscription Tenure update we’re introducing the idea of total months subscribed in addition to streak. Total Months’ Subscribed will be the default value that’s shared when a user shares their resubscribe message. The user’s streak value will be an optional value shared by the user. The fields related to streak will not be present in resubscribe messages where a user has chosen NOT to share their streak value.

Updates to User Notices:

  • New Field - msg-param-streak-months - number of streak months
  • New Field - msg-param-cumulative-months - number of cumulative months subscribed
  • New Field - msg-param-should-share-streak - Bool on whether the user has opted to share streak-months
  • Deprecated Field - msg-param-months - former way to track months in the subscription user notice

As explained above, msg-param-cumulative-months will contain the tenure value for the user for the total months subscribed, this value will be the one utilized for determining the sub badge any user has. msg-param-streak-months will only be present if msg-param-should-share-streak = 1; if msg-param-should-share-streak = 0 then msg-param-streak-months will not be present.


A user with 12 months of Tenure and 3 months of streak who has opted to share their streak value will return the following values:

  • msg-param-cumulative-months = 12
  • msg-param-should-share-streak = 1
  • msg-param-streak-months = 3

@badges=subscriber/12,premium/1;color=;display-name=vtho;emotes=;flags=;id=6d76ab5c-a595-4ccb-97d1-8d488fc6d128;login=vtho;mod=0;msg-id=resub;msg-param-months=0;msg-param-cumulative-months=12;msg-param-streak-months=3;msg-param-should-share-streak=1;msg-param-sub-plan-name=Channel\sSubscription\s(wagamamatv);msg-param-sub-plan=Prime;room-id=24811779;subscriber=1;system-msg=vtho\sSubscribed\sat\sTier\s1.\sThey\ssubscribed\sfor\s10\smonths,\scurrently\son\sa\s3\smonth\sstreak!;tmi-sent-ts=1547589704222;turbo=0;user-id=62295477;user-type= USERNOTICE #wagamamatv : you’re the best!

A user with 12 months of Tenure and 3 months of streak who has opted NOT to share their streak value will return the following values:

  • msg-param-cumulative-months = 12
  • msg-param-should-share-streak = 0

@badges=subscriber/12,premium/1;color=;display-name=vtho;emotes=;flags=;id=6d76ab5c-a595-4ccb-97d1-8d488fc6d128;login=vtho;mod=0;msg-id=resub;msg-param-months=0;msg-param-cumulative-months=12;msg-param-should-share-streak=0;msg-param-sub-plan-name=Channel\sSubscription\s(wagamamatv);msg-param-sub-plan=Prime;room-id=24811779;subscriber=1;system-msg=vtho\sSubscribed\sat\sTier\s1.\sThey\ssubscribed\sfor\s10\smonths!;tmi-sent-ts=1547589704222;turbo=0;user-id=62295477;user-type= USERNOTICE #wagamamatv : you’re the best!

Updates to PubSubs:

  • New Field - cumulative_months - number of cumulative months subscribed
  • New Field - streak_months - number of streak months
  • Deprecated Field - months - former way to track months in the subscription pubsub

Similar to the usernotice, cumulative_months will contain the tenure value for the user for the total months subscribed, this value will be the one utilized for determining the sub badge any user has. streak_months will only be present if the user has opted to share their streak in the resubscription message. If the user has opted out of sharing their streak then streak_months will not be present.


A user with 12 months of Tenure and 3 months of streak who has opted to share their streak value will return the following values:

  • cumulative_months = 12
  • streak_months = 3

A user with 12 months of Tenure and 3 months of streak who has opted NOT to share their streak value will return the following values:

  • cumulative_months = 12

These user notice and pub sub changes will go live when Cumulative Subscription Tenure launches. As I’ve noted above, the msg-param-months field in the usernotice and months field in the pub sub will be deprecated at launch. Please make sure that you are listening for the new fields to ensure an uninterrupted experience. You’ll notice in the example usernotices above that msg-param-months=0 still exists. We will continue to pass a field equal to 0 for compatibility with older mobile clients so users who have yet to update will not see incorrect data.

Additionally, at launch, we will provide all users with a cumulative subscription tenure value of 2 or greater with a resubscription message. This means there might be a higher than average value of resubscription messages shared within the first few days of the feature launch.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback to these updates, please leave comments below on this topic.


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Just gotta ask… is it msg-params-* like shown in this thread, or is it msg-param-* (without the s) like all the other params (including msg-param-months) are right now?

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Good catch! I had our developers post sample messages so I will update the original post with the CORRECT fields.

I’ve made updates to the usernotices per the comment d-fischer made, noticing that it’s not “msg-params” but rather msg-param-*.

I’ve also included a couple of full sample usernotices and added information about the deprecated field in the usernotice

“You’ll notice in the example usernotices above that msg-param-months=0 still exists. We will continue to pass a field equal to 0 for compatibility with older mobile clients so users who have yet to update will not see incorrect data.”

Question. Will the cumulative tenure for subscriptions be backdated when this goes live? If so, how far back?

It will go as far back as we have data for. :slight_smile:

can anyone reply to me and let me know if i subbed for total months if the next month i use the total streak option will it continue from when i got my total month sub back from the month before and do i get to keep my sub badge or will i have to keep using the total months option every month to keep it?

I can’t quite understand your question, but hopefully this will help. The sub badge is based on your cumulative months subbed, and that total is always included in your resubs regardless of if you choose to include your streak or not.

If you do include your streak, it’ll work much the same way as it currently works, where if you’re currently subbed for 11 months in a row, then next time you resub the streak (if you choose to include it) will be 12, and your cumulative months subscribed (which will determine your sub badge) could be higher than that if you’ve subbed previously to the channel but at some point lost your streak.

I’d like to suggest a change to this feature as it is described:

Use 1 for true and 0 for false, rather than the words true and false. Every other boolean IRC tag emitted by TMI uses 1 and 0. Changing that for this specific tag is confusing and inconsistent. Your examples aren’t even consistent because of this, using all capitalized TRUE/FALSE when listing the tags and using lowercase true/false in the example messages.

Additionally, though this is a more minor complaint, the use of the word tenure everywhere is overly verbose and it doesn’t add any value. We already know exactly what the number of months represent given the context of a subscription. -tenure is just 21 bytes of pointless cruft per IRC message delivered per subscription.


Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Talked with our devs and they have no issues making these changes. I’ll be making updates to the original post and making a post about the specific changes being made.

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I’ve made some edits to the original post based on SirStendec’s feedback. These changes will be made before launch.


  • Rename Field - msg-param-streak-tenure-months :arrow_right: msg-param-streak-months
  • Rename Field - msg-param-cumulative-tenure-months :arrow_right: msg-param-cumulative-months
  • Rename Field - msg-param-should-share-streak-tenure :arrow_right: msg-param-should-share-streak
  • Field Results Change - msg-param-should-share-streak will now return 1 instead of true and 0 instead of false


  • Rename Field - cumulative_tenure_months :arrow_right: cumulative_months
  • Rename Field - streak_tenure_months :arrow_right: streak_months

Is there any update for the launch date?

Sorry for the delay, the guidance we’re giving for developers is to make sure updates are in place by the end of the month to ensure full support. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have a public launch date we can share.

Thanks for the reply. I put the changes in and am just eager to see it running to make sure all is working as it should be.

Hey, so the new subsystem won’t happen in january right?


@DJFLuFFKiNS “We are aiming for an end of January launch and will provide a hard launch date on 1/23/2019.” We were then told on said day that you did not have a public launch date you can share. Here we are 6 days later, and no new information. End of January is closing very fast, and I think everyone would like some idea what is happening. I understand that this is probably far from easy to implement, but information seems to be difficult to come by. Is there anything you can tell us?

Apologies for the lack of updates, as I’m sure you all understand, we did not want to announce a date that we weren’t communicating elsewhere (more broadly).

As of today, creators have begun receiving an email announcing a 2/4 (Feb 4th) launch day.

Thanks for your patience.


As far as I know, in the raw IRC message for a gifted subscription, the parameter msg-param-months is included to indicate whether a gifted subscription keeps the recipient’s streak or not. With these changes coming, are they going to be applied to gifted subscriptions as well? Thanks.

Currently gifted resubscriptions cannot give a message when it occurs. I do not expect that behavoiur to change but I expect all gifted resubscribers to earn a token for launch day

Gift subs msg-param-months will pass the cumulative months (a la msg-param-cumulative-months). No streak value will be passed because the user can’t control sharing it for gift subs.

Gift subs will not trigger custom resub messages with this update (no change to existing gift sub behavior)

The change in fields (addition and depreciation) for the regular sub irc message is for legacy client report.