Deep link to clips

Is it possible to deep link to named clips?

What do you mean by deeplink? If you have the URL, you can get to the Clip.

Link directly to the iOS app. The API only shows for a video id but clip links are named.

For examples here is a link to a clip. It has the channel name and then the clip name but the deep link documentation only specifies deep links with a video id. Is it possible to deep link to these clips?

I assume you have already tried using the clip name as the video ID for the deeplink and it didn’t work.

That documentation is for VOD’s and not clips - I think Clips were recently announced for mobile (the ability for users to create clips), so there may be a method introduced in the future?

Either way, I don’t think there is a supported way to use deeplink and Clips at this time.

I assume this is what you are going for.

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