Drops connection status does not update to "Connected"

Twitch Console

  1. Make a Campaign in console
  2. Set drops and reward
  3. Register access for test streamer and viewer
  4. Update Campaign’s status to “TEST”

Oauth2 Develop

  1. Oauth2 : Call https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize
  2. Get access_token : Call https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/token with code from (1)
  3. Validate access_token : Call https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/validate witn access_token from (2)
  4. Get User Info : Call https://api.twitch.tv/helix/users with access_token from (2)


  1. Open Drops All Campaigns Twitch
  2. Find my Game “Elyon”
  3. Click Connect Button
  4. Move our service and Try Link to twitch by Oauth2 Develop
  5. Success Link
  6. Comfirm Link in Connections of Twitch Setting : " Elyon by Kakao Games Connected 1 hour ago"
  7. Open Drops Elyon Campaigns page
    ***8. Connection status does not update to “Connected”

I want to know why it does not working. Please help me.

  • add
    I turned on Enable Drops in Drops General Settings
    I changed my client ID to the game client id. in Drops Setting. But the same problem arises.
    (Connection status does not update to “Connected”)

The reason is that the client-ID of the application and the client-ID of the game were different.
I’ve solved it by changing the client-ID of the game to my client-ID.

I recommend that you recreate the campaign after completing the Client-ID change.
There was an issue where the campaign held a client-ID.

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