Example for twitch streams online with game

Hi i have problem because api was changed and i want streamers list from specific game
for example twitch api v3
{“error”:“Gone”,“status”:410,“message”:“War. War never changes… but APIs do. See https://dev.twitch.tv/docs”}
this is working but now is error
can you give for example new api twitch?

v3 has been deprecated for over 2 years now, and is currently going through a process of scheduled outages in the lead up for complete removal on Septermber 12th at which point v3 will no longer work at all.

To use the new API, simply check out the docs page on how to Get Streams https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference/#get-streams

something like that but this not working
{“error”:“Unauthorized”,“status”:401,“message”:“Must provide a valid Client-ID or OAuth token”}
I don’t know how to do this

You have to send your Client ID or an OAuth token as a header, you can’t send it as a querystring param in the new API.

You may also wish to read the migration guide:


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