Expired video in emdended code

Hello I need some solution for the embedded code I need to share and publish in other site, with videos.
When video expire the embedded code doesn’t return nothing, I need to play recent videos. I need to do it in a embedded code. There is some workaround?


Embedding is documented here

Not sure what issue if any you are having.

Edit: fixed link after clipboard borktasticness saving the wrong link to the post

Your answer is wrong, what is this link?
My request is for when the embedded player point to an expired video, instead to show black, would be good to show latest videos broadcasts. At the moment I solved by doing a page (script) in a my web server where the player point, passing the id in the url so that the script make a redirect to the video if not expired (by checking with api) otherwise redirect to the channel where latest video is show automatically. Thanks

Other request: the parameter time (0h0m0s) in the url does not correspond to what actually show the player giving somo seconds of difference. That may be because the keyframes encoding of the video. Is possible to improve this?

Ah seems my clipboard borked up on saving the post

Embed is here

Then you would have to (do as you describe) poke the videos API for the video by ID and see if it’s dead for your self, then decide what to do from there.

Twitch/the embed won’t do it for you

Your post sounds like a feature request not a third party implementation query. Feature suggestions should go to https://twitch.uservoice.com/ what you describe (doing something else on video by VideoID not existing), would be quite a change both for developer (confusion) and Twitch itself.

(Discord/Forums would get a lot of “I put this video ID in and something else appeared instead” as people wouldn’t realise that it does something different (show a different video) on a dead video)

When video is dead you may show the frame with the possibility to see latest video, user may click or not. That would be better than black screen. Or redirect to the channel.

Please help me also with this:
the parameter time (0h0m0s) in the url does not correspond to what actually show the player giving somo seconds of difference. That may be because the keyframes encoding of the video. Is possible to improve this?

Not Twitch staff, just another third party developer.

Not sure if bug, itended, missing feature or something else. It’s not something I’ve observed, but I don’t tend to embed not live streams and when I do I rarely use offsets.

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