Frequent bursts of 502 timeouts

I run and occasionally I’ll see a period of time where I’m getting a ton of 502 responses:

[Wed Oct 22 22:40:38.562761 2014] [:error] [pid 5058] [client xxxxxx:xxxxxx] Server error response [url] [status code] 502

What causes these to happen, and is there something I can do to not have these happen?

These timeouts are a known issue and even happen on the main page. Opening the api manually (in browser for example) yields 502s aswell.

I donk know of any way to prevent these, it looks like a tech issue on their side to me.

I’m sure it certainly doesn’t help to have all these follower alerters polling their API constantly. I personally feel that knowing when someone follows you is rather useless, but since it’s what the majority of users want ¯\(ツ)/¯.

Also, and other eventchats currently give 502s in a reproducable manner. I think this is a know bug (that has persisted for at least 2 months now), but it might be connected… idk.

i’ve been getting 502s now for the past few days. other API calls are fine, just the tmi.twitch …/chatters api call no matter what I do it gets a 502.

yes the tmi stuff is completely broken atm. Always 502