Get Twitch Drop Campaign by API


I want to display Twitch Drop Campaign in my game, but i dont want it to be manually set in the game. i want to get all information from API. so if there any update on the event information it will be auto updated in the game too.
but i cant find any information about this API, is there any way, to get Twitch Drop Campaign information data ?


As most of the Drops Campaign setup is all handled by hand through the Twitch Dev Console there are no endpoints to either get, create, or update, Drops Campaigns.

It’s unfortunate, and the only feature request on UserVoice for this sort of thing seems to be which is a few years old and doesn’t even include a description on use case, so if it’s something you’d like to see I’d suggest voting for that and commenting with what your use case would be.

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i see thanks anyway.
so the only way is feature request.

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