Getting channel point redemptions through bot account


What scopes should app have on channel “BOT” to be able to access channel points redemptions on channel “STREAMER”?


So I got PubSub working, it’s connecting, everything seems to be alright…
But when I’m trying to listen to “channel-points-channel-v1.*******”, I get “ERR_BADAUTH” response, despite having “channel:read:redemptions” scope in access to BOT’s channel and BOT being editor on STREAMER page?

Why is it needed?

The app is designed to take control over only bot’s account and connect to streamer’s channel, moderating it etc. on bot’s behalf. While connecting to chat and moderating it through /ban /timeout etc. commands is easy and is working, I would like to also integrate chatbot with channel points redemptions.

Only a token representing the streamer can manipulate/recieve rewards on the channel

A moderators (or editors) token doesn’t have the authority.

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