help for Topic: Subscription Events

I try to use these api

Topic: User Follows / Topic: User Changed / Topic: Hype Train Event / Topic: Subscription Events

Follows, Changed, Hype Train Event, are normally subscribed.

url = ‘’;
let subs = await axios({ method: ‘GET’, url, headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}, ‘Client-ID’: client_id }});


{ topic:’,
callback: ‘https://address/usr/callbackTwitch’,
expires_at: ‘2020-09-20T06:03:04Z’ },
{ topic: ‘’,
callback: ‘https://address/usr/callbackTwitch’,
expires_at: ‘2020-09-20T06:03:04Z’ },
{ topic:’,
callback: ‘https://address/usr/callbackTwitch’,
expires_at: ‘2020-09-20T06:03:05Z’ } ],
pagination: {} }

but Topic: Subscription Events is not subscribed.


let data = {
‘hub.callback’: callback,
‘hub.mode’: mode,
‘hub.lease_seconds’: ‘864000’,

data[‘hub.topic’] =${id}&first=1;

await axios({ method: ‘POST’, url, headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}, ‘Client-ID’: client_id }, data });

exports.cbGET = async(req, res) => {
exports.cbGET.method = ‘get’;

Did your callback URL actually receive a HTTP GET request from Twitch?

Check your server error/access logs to confirm you got a HTTP Get

additionally for Topic: Subscription Events I believe the callback has to be over SSL as it deals with secure data.

Did you get a 2xx code when making the subscriptions request?
And called with an oAuth token that is fro the broadcaster (a user token) with the subscribers scope attached?

sorry. it was access_token issue. I solved it. Thanks

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