How can get a stream url by Id or streams urls of a game with new API

Hello everyone,
I have an API and I would like to call the new twitch API. Basically I want to get a URL of a stream, for example I want a streaming URL for the userId 1234 or URL streams for the game cs:go.

I found in the old version(v5) the endpoints Get Stream by User and Get Live Streams returns a URL and when I click I have a video streaming.

But in the new API that I want to call, the endpoint Get Streams has no URL in response, and there isn’t the endpoint get stream By User.

Finally how I get a streaming video URL in the new API?

Add the user_name to the end of the URL

var url = ‘’ + ([0].user_name).toLowerCase()

see also

and for a “fix” when the user_name != login

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