How do I change our game title name


Our game is called Reflex, but we just fully launched it and now it’s called Reflex Arena. Where can I go to update the name change?


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The game categories on twitch seems to be based off Giantbomb’s database. You probably have to contact GB to edit your game.

Ok thanks, I’ll check it out. Can developers edit the Giant Bomb page? I know the wikipedia page won’t let the people that work for the game do any contributions to the wiki page.

So our game page on Giant Bomb has been updated,
but the game title in Twitch still remains as Reflex and not Reflex Arena. Is there someone or somewhere I can go to request the name change?

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Looking into this for you. Should be a simple resync with Giant Bomb.


Thanks it’s updated now. :grin:

Hi DallasNChains
is there an option for Dev’s to force a simple resync with the Giant Bomb DB because we changed our Name as well from ‘Witch Hunt’ to ‘Witch It’ a while ago, it is already up to date on GiantBomb but on Twitch we only managed to get the BoxArt right yet :wink:

It would be nice if someone from the staff could sync the title name huge Thanks :slight_smile:

@WAII You should be good to go. You may need to re-upload your box art in the dev portal.

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sweet Thanks :grinning:

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