How do I make a button on the config panel send data to the viewer panel

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on an app but this problem has been stumping me for quite sometime. I have used the developer rig and gotten the “Hello World” working even with minor modifications to it.

Right now on the config panel I have a form that when submitted, should place that data into a table that appears in the viewer panel. I tried to trace and reverse engineer through the backend.js file of the developer rig, but with lacking experience in js It became a hard path to navigate. How can I the config panel (the one the broadcasters uses) to call a function to deliver it to the viewer panel?

Thank you. I hope my question made sense. I’m more than happy to elaborate if needed

You can either have the config panel broadcast directly to PubSub or go Config Panel to EBS and then EBS to PubSub.

Extension PubSub is documented here:

If you’re looking to persist data that can be saved and then exposed to the viewer client, stay tuned for the Configuration Service - coming very soon. :slight_smile:

I also need this, it is not working with me, I hope you can prepare it asap.
Highly required.

As @BarryCarlyon suggested, this works today. You can broadcast messages from the live config view to all viewers using PubSub. See more here

Thanks, but when call this method window.Twitch.ext.send I get response {"message":"Client-ID not provided"} , I have debugged the code reaching the file:line extension-frame.js:27 that send the request (using fetch function) without required headers documented in this curl command send-extension-pubsub-message, so I think that fetch method in that file should contains additional headers like Authorization and Client-Id. Any explanations for this?

I also tried to use the curl command it works fine and the video overlay received the message fine, but when run it via jQuery ajax I got CORS error.

For local-mode extensions in the Developer Rig, this issue was addressed earlier today. I expect window.Twitch.ext.send to work correctly now.

Great, really thanks, it works fine now.