How to play video twitch streaming video in android

I am trying to play live stream video from Twitch , inside WebView but getting issue, when streaming was started after page load then it is not showing in video . i have to load it manually .

I am using this below url to load video in side android WebView :

What is the best way to play video in android , so that if streaming starts after page load then , streaming video starts automatically.

I also don’t want to show anything except , streaming video , i need to hide , chat , twitch logo and viewers count .

Please help me urgently please

TL;DR: Your intended usecase is not supported.

The embed with either only the player and its controls OR the “everything” embed is what you will have to use. Removing the controls is a violation of the Guidelines, if i recall correctly.
As for autoplay: it’s a black box intended to avoid abuse of media elements. You will most likely not get video to autoplay unless the user spends some time on your website and interacts with it for a while before encountering the video.

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