How to raid with nodejs


I always have a missing authorization when I try to make a raid with the twitch API.

Here is the code :

  // Launch the raid
  try {
    const raid = await
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
          "Client-ID": CLIENT_ID,

    console.log("raid result", raid);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error when raiding");

Any idea ? I’m struggling !

Parse the body of the error response to determine the issue.

Could be a problem with the token not having sufficent scopes
Of your From/to are usernames instead of userIDs

Or the to_broadcaster_id is rejecting raids from from_broadcaster_id

So you need to process the error.


Thanks for the answer.
The exact error is always the same

 data: {
      error: 'Unauthorized',
      status: 401,
      message: 'OAuth token is missing'

But i’d like to say that I can get others ressouces like user channel information with the same token.

The scope of my token is : scope: [ 'channel:manage:raids' ]

And impossible for rejecting the raid, both acc belongs to me :slight_smile:

Any idea ?

Then either token is blank.
Or your axios call is malformed.

The token is not blank.

What is the problem with my call ?

I cant figure it out.

From google → stackoverflow

Using the shortcut function, argument 2 is for POST body data. and argument 3 is for configuration.

So with your current code you will have POST’ed the ClientID and AccessToken as body not as headers.

But I don’t use AXIOS so this is speculation

oh yes true,
I’ve made this mistake, thank you.

But still not working with this:

  try {
    const headers = {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
      "Client-Id": CLIENT_ID,

    const raid = await
        from_broadcaster_id: FROM,
        to_broadcaster_id: TO,

    console.log("raid result", raid);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error when raiding =>", error);

I’m still looking for the problem :confused: Still telling me that the Oauth token is missing

Whats the error being reported now?

Actually it’s not the same anymore, it was message: 'OAuth token is missing' and now it is message: 'Missing User OAUTH Token'

This suggests you have generated and used an app access/client credentials token instead of a user token.

To perform user operations you generally need a user access token

Either Implicit grant flow or Authorization code grant flow

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