How to replicate featured streams in helix (used to have kraken featured)

Just need some clarification as to what endpoint/s I can use since the kraken has shut down. Previously I used the endpoint below to get featured streams

but it no longer exists & I’m having no luck in finding it’s helix counterpart? I simply switched out the words (kraken to helix) & removed the version but no luck. When I check the migration docs it says featured is No Longer supported via the API. I wonder if Get Streams ( would work or be the closest to the response from kraken/streams/featured? I hope I’m not the only one who has dealt with this issue. All feedback is welcome. Thanks.

There is no migration path for “featured streams”, as you found it’s no longer supported

If this is functionality you need then you need to raise a uservoice along with the use case

There isn’t an alternative since Get Streams doesn’t do sorting or “featured”

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