HTML/JS Page on my PC connecting to Twitch to get data for on-screen scroller; Am I going down the right path?

Simply, I have a .html and .js file on my computer that I’m going to embed in my stream as a scroller; a basic html page that cycles through a collection of json elements and prints messages to the screen to advertise sponsorships, chat commands, socials, etc. In this rotation, I’d like to also display “latest follower” and “latest subscriber” information. For this, I will need to hit the api to get that type of information. Before I continue much further in this project (because the developer console intimidated me a bit), I was hoping to get some advice or opinions.

  1. I already added my application to my developer console; name, oauth redirect is set to localhost, got a client id, can generate a secret, etc. Is there anything more that I need? This is my first time playing with the twitch api and I’m not sure if there’s going to be a problem with this approach.

  2. For you experienced guys, any pitfalls or things you think I need to watch out for with this approach?

Thanks in advance for any guidance or similar examples you might know about.

  1. Just to authenticate yourself to your own clientID with the relevant scopes to get an access token (and refresh token) to use. See Getting OAuth Access Tokens | Twitch Developers

  2. Not that I can think of. Personally I’d have the HTML/JS/backend service on a server rather than locally. as then it can collect offline subscriptions and utilise eventsub over webhooks instead

But otherwise all good so far I think

Dope. That’s good to hear! Thanks for the reply Barry!

I was thinking about enlisting the help of an acquaintance to help me figure out the API calls and how to handle the token. If I’m having them help, is there any real risk in sharing my client id and secret… and then, once we get this working, I generate a new secret? Or is someone simply having your client id a big issue?

generally speaking you should never reveal your secret to another

if you are having someone else help then they can generate their own clientID and secret.

Or you can give them your token to test with I guess

In this example it’s probably fine as they are on your team to help build the thing. But they can easily get their own client ID and ask you to authenticate against their clientID.

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