IRC: Not receiving NOTICE when there is an incoming host

I need to capture a user host via IRC.

The IRC documentation infers that I should receive a NOTICE with msg-id host_success whenever an incoming host is detected:

However, this is not the case for me. I logged on to an alt and hosted my main account, but I did not get the notification in my app.

I have already done < CAP REQ My app can receive chat messages and other things such as USERNOTICE when a user subscribes, so it’s not a matter of the capability registration not working.

Does anyone know if this is intended behavior or not? If so, how do I have my app be notified when a user hosts?

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Host notifications are only sent to the broadcasters chat feed so you’ll have to logged into chat as the broadcaster ie same user as the channel.

There’s been a few reports of it not working correctly. And/or doesn’t fire when the viewer count is low. So best to retest and log all the raw lines that Chat sends

The msg-id docs are a little odd as they cover a large number of possible message ID’s but not all of them are active/in use it’s more of a glossary.

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I definitely had some issues with seeing hosts/raids. I thought I was doing something wrong so I streamed and logged every single message(even pings) I got back from the client and I got no notification when a raid of 250+ viewers came into my stream.

Would love if anyone could help me figure out if I’m doing something wrong. Here are the two messages I got between the raid according to my logs:

@badge-info=founder/22;badges=vip/1,founder/0,partner/1;color=#FF6B6B;display-name=ploguidice;emotes=;flags=;id=eeab3b38-9b97-45b7-b64f-c07fdf737d1d;mod=0;room-id=21599544;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1575940139351;turbo=0;user-id=41980676;user-type= :ploguidice! PRIVMSG #feardragon64 :I had that kids Bible lmao


@badge-info=;badges=glhf-pledge/1;color=#5600FF;display-name=BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoM;emotes=;flags=;id=3e2dfb89-b3c4-48d3-8bd8-eff412e867cc;mod=0;room-id=21599544;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1575940200218;turbo=0;user-id=77894502;user-type= :booooooooooooooooooom! PRIVMSG #feardragon64 :boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom`

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