IRC number of chatters

In the last 2 weeks, I began to observe the problem with the number of people in the chat. My bot very closely watches who enters and leaves the chat room and recently i began to observe that the number of outgoing people dropped sharply and it turns out that the number of active users is almost twice the actual number of users. I would like to know if this is the only thing that happens or decides this problem? The code didn’t change, before all worked correctly. Disassemble, please, thanks! P.S if you use the API then there’s a number of chatters corrected, sorry for my english

How are you determining who joins and leaves chat?

Through JOIN and PART, they notify when someone enters and leaves the room, before the server sent them correctly, now it’s some kind of garbage + If a user writes something to the chat, it also shows that he is active. For example, now on the channel, it shows that there are 166 people in the room, when there is about 40 there. Previously everything was correct

I don’t rely on join/parts as they don’t work at all in channels with 1k+ viewers.

So you would probably be better off not using join/parts and doing what other people do and pulling the unofficial chatters end point.

Be warned since it’s not supported, expect it to break/not work

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