IRSSI cannot connect to twitch IRC

Hey all!
I am having an issue with IRSSI connecting to
IRSSI is setup for automatically connecting to both Freenode and Twitch, and with Freenode it works perfectly fine. However, Twitch sends me errors saying:

Improperly formatted auth

upon attempting to connect.

How I set my auto join in Twitch’s IRC server:

/server add -auto -network Twitch $password

$password of course being filled in with my oauth, which looks like:


Unsure as of why the Twitch IRC is responding like this. Any help is appreciated.

Not sure whats up for you. I think I may have had a similar issue with the /server add command way back when I setup irssi…

I personally put it into ~/.irssi/config manually

servers = (
        address = "";
        chatnet = "twitch";
        port = "6667";
        password = "oauth:removed";
        use_ssl = "no";
        ssl_verify = "no";
        autoconnect = "yes";

chatnets = {
    twitch = {
        type = "IRC":
        autosendcmd = "/quote CAP REQ";

channels = (
    { name = "#sometwitchchannel"; chatnet = "twitch"; autojoin = "yes" },
    { name = "#anothertwitchchannel"; chatnet = "twitch"; autojoin = "yes" }

settings = {
    core = {
        nick = "barrycarlyon";

ignores = {
        level = "JOIN PARTS QUITS";
        channels = (

^ A Transcribe from my work computer to my personal mac. (Please pardon any syntax errors)

Barry, you the man.

Turns out,

Twitch = { type = "IRC"; autosendcmd = "^nick hl521;^msg nickserv identify oauth:SECRET;wait 2000"; };

Was my issue.

Thank you so much!


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