Is this error on twitch side?

can someone confirm if this “status code 500” issue is on twitch side or my side? happens regularly today.

Can’t confirm this issue. Probably a temporary issue on twitch side or an issue on your side.

Do you have some extensions installed? Do you have problems watching twitch content? Do you see the same error on another browser?

The users screenshot indicates they are using someone elses website/tool.
So a problem exists between that websites server and Twitch.
Testing the users browsers access to the main website will not help debug this issue

Contact the developer of the website/tool you are using. Looks like they have a scale problem not the Twitch API.

I saw you write that status code 500 is on twitch side in one other thread, But i think this issue is solved now, I don’t see that issue anymore.

This screenshot indicates this website called some URL ending with streamers, which isn’t a Twitch API endpoint.

This website’s own API returned a 500, not the Twitch API.

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