New Java library for Twitch chat


I’ve been working on an easy to use, intuitive and extendable library for communicating with the IRC chat that Twitch chat uses. I know many people use PircBot or the similar, and then parse the incoming messages manually, but this library is specifically built for usage with Twitch and should therefor be somewhat easier to use.
It is also Mavenized, for easy inclusion.

The library can be found here:

Note that the library is only intended to help with communicating via IRC, and will not help with or support API calls.

I hope it can be of some use. //Gikkman

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I’ll try it locally, and come back in some days (if i dont forget !) give you feedback.

Good job !

Aenoa Labs

I will push an update to this library in a few days to handle the upcoming changes subscription alerts

Thank you for the continued contribution to the community, @Gikkman. :slight_smile:

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