OAuth Redirect URI iOS Swift

Why OAuth Redirect URI does not support :// format in App Registration

It is easy to implement with Custom URL Scheme in response instead of http://localhost, when App request for oath authorize

For iOS using swift I was trying to use https://localhost, having issue with WebView, also tried SFSafariViewController. Could not continue API call after completing localhost web view & navigate to another ViewController where it does API call,

Message on API call: Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.Networking: 113: Could not find specified service

Not sure how everyone implementing. I did check this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36562174/android-accountmanager-and-oauth/36621162#36621162

Since the App is in development, using deep link or universal link does not work.
I can also implement using other services like Firebase, AWS.

Question is how to do the transition to another view controller after extracting token from redirect url.

Appreciate iOS developers help on this.


**** Ignore the question, issue is with my RxSwift call

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