Oh! This object is not configured correctly.

Hello, can you tell me if Twitch has a domain lock? the same code works on one site, but on the other it says: “Oh! This object is not configured correctly.”

As per the Wix/Sitebuilder thread

We need the URL of the page with the broken embed on to go have a look

Why do you ask for a URL if no one answers?

You have not posted your URL so I cannot go look at your code

Your code looks correct.

So I’m not sure why it’s not working.

I also

where else can i go?

where else can I go?

Thank you for your message and your assumption is correct. Twitch retains the right to restrict the domains on which its embeddable experiences may be used. Twitch embeds may not be used on websites that have a primary purpose to share or host content that would violate Twitch’s Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. The website mentioned above was determined to have such a primary purpose, and we have therefore restricted our embeddable experiences from appearing there.

Ok, where can I go if I find a site that violates the twitch rules?

Ok, where can I go if I find a site that violates the twitch rules?

I don’t understand your question. I don’t know what you are trying to achieve.

I apologize for my google translate, I want to help the twitch, if I find a site that violates the twitch rules, where can I apply?

There is no need to double reply and delete the old reply to the thread. You don’t have to reply to me, just reply to the thread.

I don’t know where you would report sites that you think violate the agreement to. Best guess would be legal@twitch.tv

Thank you!

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