Question about new API user endpoint


I have some questions regarding migration from API V5 to New API.

First, I notice that there is no equivalent concerning the possibility of submitting the follow of an authenticated user (Oauth) of a twitch chain that we wanted from the API.
In V5 it was possible to call a URL like this in PUT method:
“/ kraken / users / USER_ID / follows / channels / CHANNEL_ID”
There doesn’t seem to be an equivalent in the new API.

Second, in V5 it was possible to obtain subscription information from an authenticated user (Oauth) to a particular channel. We used a url of the type in GET method:
“/ kraken / users / USER_ID / subscriptions / CHANNEL_ID”
Again there seems to be no equivalent with the new API. We can not determine that the people who are subscribed to the current authenticated user (Bearer) except I want to obtain the opposite, that is to say, to which channel my authenticated user is subscribed.

Thank you in advance for your answers

Secondary I also just noticed:

It was possible in V5 to obtain information on a particular channel (Channel reference). This allowed me to obtain data from a channel such as the number of followers, its url, the status of the channel (Name below the reader when it is offline).

For this I used the endpoint in GET method
“/ kraken / channels / CHANNEL_ID”

I can’t find anything for this functionality in the new API.

We expect Helix to have feature parity with Kraken before Kraken is removed.

Anything not currently documented that you would like should be posted to the Uservoice if it doesn’t exist already

And these are to the best of my knowledge