Set Extension Configuration Service API endpoint saving in developer rig but not hosted test

Im having issues with the Dev rig vs a hosted test. We were previously using version 1.0 set in the code and had nothing set for the “Broadcaster Writable Channel Segment Version”, but then updated it to 1.1

The set extension configuration service endpoint does not save when using the hosted test, but works perfect inside of the developer rig. There are no console errors and the endpoint returns a 204(update successful) when using the hosted test. Im able to manually hit the api endpoint with postman and update it. It was working with the v5 api but when updated to the new helix API endpoint, it doesnt seem to save. Am I missing something?

The put is as followed:

		'broadcaster_id': this.twitchAuth.userId,
		'content': JSON.stringify(parsedConfiguration),
		'extension_id': this.twitchAuth.clientId,
		'version': '1.1',
		'segment': 'broadcaster'
		headers: {
			'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.twitchAuth.token}`,
			'client-id': this.twitchAuth.clientId
).then((response => {
	//do stuff