Simultaneous Connection Limits

I understand the 20/30 and 100/30 limits, but my understanding is that those are per connection. If that is correct, that begs the following questions:

  • How many simultaneous connections can I have on the same IP with the same twitch user?
  • How many simultaneous connections can I have on the same IP if each connection uses a unique twitch user?

Also, I’ve read about a 50 JOINs per 15 seconds limit, which apparently is enforced across all connections. Is that all connections sharing the same twitch user, or all connections from the same IP regardless of twitch user?

Oh, I’ve read that the 50/15 on JOINs also applies to "auth"s. What does “auth” mean in this context? Does it mean establishing a new IRC (or websocket) connection?

For example, if I open an IRC connection, is that the first JOIN/auth? So then if I JOIN 50 channels in under 15 seconds, I’ve actually crossed the 50/15 limit?


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