Still got dc after PING/PONG

I have tried several times in several ways to respond to the PING message, which has not happened until last month has now become a constant headache.

The Irc Class:

Woah, you want us to debug 400 lines of code? Try to make a minimal example of what is not working please

How quickly is it disconnecting? Edge servers occasionally restart too, requiring a reconnect from clients connected to it. A simple PONG\r\n every 5 minutes will keep the chat server happy.

I’d say go with 3ventic’s suggestion. I don’t know anything about C# but does this work?

                String message = inputStream.readMessage();
                if (message.StartsWith("PING"))


                String message = inputStream.ReadLine();
                if (message == "PING")
 void PingSender()
            while (true)
                    Thread.Sleep(configs.TIME_INTERVAL_THREAD * 2);
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("erro ping");


Solved (i think) using a thread with 2 minutes interval, apparently 5 minutes of delay is not enough. If someone else have same or similar code try this.

I’d move the Thread.Sleep out of the try/catch just in case there is ever a situation where message cannot be sent. Otherwise, that loop will eat 100% of your CPU if for whatever reason that method fails. That, or just add another Thread.Sleep(50) in your catch.

By any chance, are you hosting from Azure? Someone was using a bot I work on and after some digging discovered that Azure closes out connections that are not kept active within 4 minutes (I believe it was 4 minutes) so had to enable the PING/PONG more often for that person late last year.

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