Tracking viewers that were there for a host

Hi all.

We have a channel that tries to host other channels in it’s community pretty much the whole time it’s offline, we actually have a team member who is on this, and they discover new channels to host and interact with them as the host happens. The system works well but because most of these hosts happen while the channel is offline we get 1-3 viewers as part of that host unlike when we do a show end raid when we get 40 - 80 viewers with the host. Obviously the reason for this is quite simple, the people just aren’t there when the channel is offline, so in order to get them to be there, we thought about gamifying those offline hosts by giving those who were there some kind of currency or rewards.

The problem we are having, is reliably working out who was there for the host. Is there any way we could grab this information from the api? It doesn’t seem like we can get the number of viewers we hosted with from chat twitchnotify anymore, and using tmi chatters will also include people who are connected via IRC but are not actually watching.

Any tips you might have would be appreciated.

You can do it simply by polling the channel every few w/e period is appropriate to you (1 min is okish) noting when the stream starts (results will say if its live).

Then take a poll of the users in stream (and you can repeat it to build a unique list of users during the stream) and turn off that user polling when you receive a “stream ended” event.

Yes, it sucks to poll every min or so, but…

there is a good blurb here:


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