Twitch API missing user_name in returned response when trying to get followed streams

Hi, am gonna get straight to the point. I am developing a browser extension/add-on Twitch Live Channels, and i noticed that sometimes when querying the Twitch API to get the followed streams by a user i get an empty string in the user_name value.
Screenshot from 2022-03-24 06-27-28
I believe it’s an API issue and i wanted to bring to your attention, thank you.

This is reported on the github

It should be populated on a second/repeat load around a minute later

ah ok.

It should be populated on a second/repeat load around a minute later
i know, from my experience the 1st request i make, i get the user_name filled in, 2min later i make another request the user_name comes empty, and the 2min after i make another request and the user_name comes filled in again. anyways good to know you guys know about it, cheers.

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