Twitch API oAuth 2.0 laravel redirect_mismatch

Hello. I’m using laravel framework (API) with package for twitch API.
I did the return redirect(TwitchAPI::getAuthenticationUrl()); on /login so when he acceses login, he gets redirected to twitch page with authorize. After that, he should be redirected to (it’s a local domain, from localhost/twitch-test/laravel/public/success). Even if I use localhost domain instead of twitch, I’m getting the same error: . In my route files, I have the Route::get(’/success’, ‘controller@iP’); so it should work. If I redirect to localhost/success, even if there is no page there, I’m getting the code and everything, so my question is, what should I do in laravel to solve the redirect_mismatch error? Thanks.

We can’t provide support for that framework since it isn’t something that Twitch makes. That error means the redirect set in isn’t the same as what is being passed in on the OAuth URL.

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