Twitch Drop Chat Popup (Public Callout) not showing

Hey everyone, I recently implemented a Twitch App that uses web hooks to subscribe to the twitch drop API. It seems to work as I’ve tested it with the Twitch CLI

But the Drop does not seem to show up in the chat of the stream as it should.

I’ve authed with my app that uses the same client ID in the campaign.

I’ve given every account I’m testing with access to my drop on the allow list and test viewers list and my campaign status is in ‘Test’ mode.

The only thing I can think of is that my organization shows as ‘None’ even though it is selected in the drop down.

Am I not requesting the right permissions?

The campaign/drop dates are all correct and it should be going on right now. What am I missing here? Thank you.

Hi floridaman581,

To be able to see the Drops chat popup, the following must be met:

  • Broadcaster used for testing must be connected via OAuth to your third party connection site
  • Broadcaster used for testing must be set in the broadcaster allowlist on the campaign
  • All Viewers used for testing must be connected via OAuth to your third party connection site
  • All Viewers used for testing must be set in the viewer allowlist on the campaign
  • Client ID used in the OAuth connection must match the one set on the Drop Campaign (attached to the game in your Drops Settings)

Please ensure all these are met.

Thank you,

I was able to fix it after speaking with Dist this morning. My org set up a campaign with the wrong client id (using our game id) and even though I changed it to the correct campaign ID, it kept showing our old client ID in the campaign. Dist told me to recreate the campaign and it worked. Thank you everyone for the help Barry, Dist, and Marc!

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