Using twitch-js with ifttt server

Hello there. I’m newbie, just made a simple bot via twitch-js and have a difficult with it while using ifttt events. Is there any simple decision to resolve my problem?

Here is the code:

const tmi = require(“twitch-js”);

const option = {
options: {
debug: true
connection: {
reconnect: true
identity: {
username: “project_name”,
password: “oauth:xxxxx”
channels: [“project_name”]

const client = new tmi.client(option);


client.on(“chat”, (channel, user, message, self) => {
client.action(“project_name is online!”);

if(message === “!hi”){
client.action(“project_name”, “Hi there!”);

if(message === “!1”){
client.action(“curl -X POST”);

I’m stuck in this part:

if(message === “!1”){
client.action(“curl -X POST”);

Whenever I’m using this command via cmd, locally on my machine, it’s triggers my ifttt event. I need to run this command via twitch chat from any user with command !1 .

Thanks for your attention and any help!

Client.action just sends a message to chat. You can’t run curl from it. You would have to write a different script to do that. Twitch-JS wouldn’t do it.

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