Verified Badges

Once the verified badges started to roll out for users I thought that it would be something to streamers only, but I’ve also seen some bots with the verified badge.
Can we get some info on how this verified state is given to bots? Since their accounts don’t stream I suppose this is only given to the really popular bots where the twitch staff knows the developers or the bots for a long time. If this is not the case, can we send a ticket to the support team to give our bots this badge?

Looking at the API nightbot and moobot are partnered. Not sure I agree with that but it is what it is.

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Muddr is correct. Some of the large bots were partnered for reasons I cannot go into so that’s why they have the verified badge.


So in theory I should be able to apply for a partnership in my bot’s account even though it doesn’t really make sense since partnerships are meant for streamers. One of the requirements is ‘stream at least 3 times a week’ so it doesn’t really apply for bot accounts… Also I can’t see the advantages of being partnered with a bot account to begin with.

Exactly so you won’t get must traction trying to submit a partnership application for your bot since the only noticeable external difference up until now has been a boolean flag in the API. The large bot operators probably shouldn’t be using the badge to avoid confusion like this but that’s between them and Twitch.

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I did hear something somewhere that there were plans to make the verified badge exist for non partners (game devs etc) perhaps this is the first roll out of it to test?

Partnership of course doesn’t mean you have a sub button.

Unless it’s changed partnership and the sub button are two different things that people tend to get at the same time


This is still correct.


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