View_count in videos-endpoint bug


i noticed some weird things in terms of the view_count i got from the VIDEOS endpoint ( Can someone tell me, when are the live views added to the VOD views?

And in some cases they are not even added afterwards.
Here for example:

The latest vod (18th april) has 89k video views, and the vod the day before (17th april) has only 454. But they are both 6 hours long and had similar avg viewer.

I hope someone can help me here.

Best regards,

Sounds like an issue beyond the scope of the API and this forum.

So you need to poke around on or the general (non developer) part of uservoice.

Since checking the linke page theres a few videos with basically no view counts. If thats a first party issue or not I don’t know. but it’s beyond this forum really.


From yesterday, I’m noticing similar troubles with endpoint (view_count). It is not updating views of the user’s channel. I get this data at the beginning of streams and at the end and value is the same after several hours .

This problem could be checked in popular pages like “twitch tracker” or “streams charts”. Example: (views gained = 0) (live views = 0)

Best regards.

view_count in users is deprecated

view_count is users is not related to view count on videos

Thank you very much. I didn’t see this announcement! (it has been working until yesterday)

I guess they removed it from the dashboard then later stopped the backend updating service(s) yesterday since it was a holiday weekend.

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