Webhook when user starts stream with empty data on body

Hello there, I’m having a problem on my application.

I’ve a webhook to when someone start to stream on twitch.
Then, twitch send me a http request.
The problem is, that sometimes the data from the body of the request sometimes have information and sometimes doesn’t.

Request examples

No information on data

INFO - 2019-08-26 11:21:14 --> array (
    'type' => 'post',
    'data' => 
        'data' => 
    array (
    'headers' => 
    array (
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    'Host' => 'my.domain.com',
    'User-Agent' => 'Go-http-client/1.1',
    'Connection' => 'close',
    'Content-Length' => '11',
    'Link' => '; rel="hub", ; rel="self"',
    'Twitch-Notification-Id' => '18c3753b-e72c-524b-b0d3-20e60a355f1c',
    'Twitch-Notification-Timestamp' => '2019-08-26T14:21:13Z',
    'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip',

Information on data

INFO - 2019-08-26 11:47:51 --> array (
    'type' => 'post',
    'data' => 
        'data' => 
    array (
        0 => 
            'game_id' => '513143',
            'id' => '35436702144',
            'language' => 'en',
            'started_at' => '2019-08-26T13:48:10Z',
            'tag_ids' => 
        array (
            0 => '6ea6bca4-4712-4ab9-a906-e3336a9d8039',
            'thumbnail_url' => 'https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/previews-ttv/live_user_mutafuzz-{width}x{height}.jpg',
            'title' => '[BR/EN] :ooooo | @mutafuzz1',
            'type' => 'live',
            'user_id' => '106354514',
            'user_name' => 'mutafuzz',
            'viewer_count' => 1,
    'headers' => 
    array (
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    'Host' => 'my.domain.com',
    'User-Agent' => 'Go-http-client/1.1',
    'Connection' => 'close',
    'Content-Length' => '367',
    'Link' => '; rel="hub", ; rel="self"',
    'Twitch-Notification-Id' => '7c66efce-b517-5705-8e4e-ba1346412910',
    'Twitch-Notification-Timestamp' => '2019-08-26T14:47:50Z',
    'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip',

My problem/doubt is, this should happen??

Where it sends ‘{data:}’ that means the stream has ended and gone offline

as per

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A little help them, how I can know which user has gone offline if I don’t receive any info?


Disambiguating Payloads

To easily disambiguate notification payloads from each other (especially for “stream down” events), you can do either of following:

  • Inspect the topic string (found in the link header).
  • Use a different callback URL for each subscription; e.g., by changing the path or the query parameters.
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I’m receiving this message in my application when I start a stream

    "type": "get",
    "data": {
        "hub_mode": "denied",
        "hub_reason": "exceeded maximum number of allowed subscriptions",
        "hub_topic": "https:\/\/api.twitch.tv\/helix\/streams?user_id=167238651"
    "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "",
        "Host": "my.domain.com",
        "User-Agent": "Go-http-client\/1.1",
        "Connection": "close",
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip"

This means that I’ve exceeded the maximum number of subscriptions on my account and I need to request to increase that limit?

I think I need to, but I’m asking this just to make sure.
One thing I’ve observed is that the request come using the verb GET and not POST.

More likely you did something wrong…

You can use

To check your active subscriptions.
You are allowed to subscribe to each topic 3 times


Limits: Each client ID can have at most 10,000 subscriptions. Also, you can subscribe to the same topic at most 3 times.

I doubt you have raised 10k subscriptions but you’ve done something wrong

So you’d subscribe to https://api.twitch.tv/helix/streams?user_id=167238651 once and renew it every lease_seconds ish

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