Developer applications disappeared, 401 on every request

I just executed a batch job which fetches users’ current display names.
It queries the endpoint at about 50 times with the max of 100 IDs per request.

About 5 minutes later, all of my developer applications disappeared from my developer dashboard (extensions are still there).
Furthermore, I get 401 Unauthorized with every request now.
The refresh token renewal endpoint still works using my client ID/secret, but the returned (new) access token also results in 401s being thrown at me.

Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

And of course, only a short time after me finally deciding to create this post, it does work again.
Hopefully it was just an unexpected downtime.
I just did surprise me that other applications/users were not affected, I tried several.

Yeah there was a minor site-wide outage as reported on Twitter

You can see the impact of the outage on the devstatus page

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