A New Design for the Extension Discovery Front Page

We’re rolling out an update to the Extension Discovery Front Page to better help broadcasters navigate and discover relevant Extensions for their channel.

What’s changing?

The Extensions Discovery Front Page will be updated today, March 16, to a new design that includes the following changes:

  1. Updated Card Designs: Extension cards will now feature short descriptions and visible Call-to-action (CTA) buttons to install the Extension.

  2. New Category Carousels: given the updated card designs, category carousels will now feature more Extensions than before.

Why are we making these changes?

  1. Better Discovery Detail: Broadcasters reported feeling overwhelmed with the larger, image-based discovery cards previously displayed on the front page. Broadcasters complained these cards offered little information about the value an Extension could provide their channel. To mitigate these pain points, we are now surfacing short descriptions directly on the front page to allow for easier evaluation.

  2. Reduced Effort for Featuring: Removing the larger discovery images means developers no longer have to create custom artwork to be featured on the front page. The new category carousels only require an Extension icon and short description to be featured – both are pre-existing assets.

  3. More Opportunity for Extension Exposure: In addition to reducing the effort for featuring, the new more efficient card designs allow more Extensions to be featured on the front page than was possible before.

Who will be impacted by these changes?

Broadcasters visiting the discovery page will now have more information at their fingertips allowing them to quickly evaluate whether an Extension is a value-add to their channel.

Developers will have more opportunity to have front page exposure for their Extensions via the updated category carousels.

What action needs to be taken?

No action is required for developers during this update. Previously submitted/approved Extension icons and short descriptions are being used for the new card designs.


I really like the new look of the main page :smiley:

But I have a problem with the extension listing.
There is way too much text now and almost no way to show what will be your extension to potential users.
People tend to avoid reading that much so I’m worried it might reduce engagement for extensions that need to be found or are lower on the list because they have no way to be quickly recognize or just to show their identity.

What is Discovery Image for now? It’s still required during submission but doesn’t appear to show up anywhere.