Bug with onAuthorized?

I have a very weird bug with onAuthorized. So i’ve got my live_config with a form that the broadcaster can submit (post call) and i have the onAuthorized with an ajax call (get). When i submit my form i don’t understand why but onAuthorized is called which trigger the “get” ajax even with preventDefault() and the submit event is not triggered. But the thing is, when i remove the get ajax call from onAuthorized, the post ajax call work perfectly. here is my partial code :

twitch.onAuthorized(function(auth) {

    userId = auth.userId;
    token = auth.token;

    if(userId.charAt(0) === "A"){

        client_logged = false;
    } else {
        client_logged = true;

        let getSucessCallback = function(data, status){
            logSuccess(data, status);
                twitch.rig.log("error : ", data.err);
            else {
                    changePanel('currentPollInfo', availablePanel, data)
                } else {
                    changePanel('createPoll', availablePanel)
        $.ajax(createRequest("GET", "poll", getSucessCallback));

function createRequest(type, method, successCallback=null, data=null) {
    let temp = {
        type: type,
        url: 'https://localhost:8081/' + method,
        headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token },
        beforeSend: function(xhr, settings){
            changePanel('loader', availablePanel);
        success: function(data, status, xhr){
            successCallback(data, status);
        error: logError

        temp.data = data;

    return temp;

$(function() {

   $('#form_vote').submit(function (evt) {


           let form_data = $(this).serializeArray();

           let parameters = form_data.filter(function (elem) {
               return elem.name !== "timer";

           let timer = form_data.find(function (elem) {
               return elem.name === "timer";

           let timerFloat = parseFloat(timer.value);

               console.log("error not a float");
           } else{

               let obj = {};
               obj.parametersArray = parameters;
               obj.timer = timerFloat;

               let postSucessCallback = function(data, status){
                   logSuccess(data, status);
                       twitch.rig.log("error : ", data.err);
                       changePanel('currentPollInfo', availablePanel, data)

               $.ajax(createRequest("POST", "poll", postSucessCallback, obj));

       } else {
           twitch.rig.log("Not authorized");

Fixed, but i don’t know what’s the issue. My panel system was doing something wrong i guess