Channel doesn't display the right answer

I want to display all the user Channel of Free Code Camp, but I don’t see anything matching in the JSON respond?
How I know if it’s match my channel?

    url: '',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    //data: $.param(FccParam ),
    data: 'limit=5&q=FreeCodeCamp',
    success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
      for (var j = 0, len = data.streams.length; j < len; j++) {
        var img = (data.streams[j].channel.profile_banner !== null)?data.streams[j].channel.profile_banner :'';
          '<li class="box__item">'+ 
             '<img class="box__img" src="'+img+'" alt="">'+
             '<a class="box__link" href="'+data.streams[j].channel.url +'" title="" target="_blank">'+
             '<p class="box__descriptioon">'+data.streams[j].game+'</p>'+

answer with limit at 5:

  "streams": [
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        "status": "i have the knowledge to become the greatest and the mechanics the only thing left before this happens is that i combine them together so com",
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      "channel": {
        "mature": false,
        "status": "★AMAZ★ Karazhan Wing 2 POGCHAMP! | Also another episode of Amaz vs. World today too!",
        "broadcaster_language": "en",
        "display_name": "AmazHS",
        "game": "Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft",
        "language": "en",
        "_id": 43356746,
        "name": "amazhs",
        "created_at": "2013-05-09T16:46:10Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-08-19T15:03:50Z",
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I removed the other thread since this is the same question.

Right now, you’re just calling the basic streams endpoint, so you’re getting a list of streams. If you want information about a specific stream, you need to call the endpoint and specify a channel. Here are the docs.

If you’re looking to get a list of people watching the stream, that isn’t something we officially support via the API.

but I have a parameter with the chanel I want it:

the url is:

I tried:
and is return only 2 values?

It will return null for the stream, if the channel is not live. When it’s live, it will return a stream object. If you need the channel information while the channel is offline, use /channels/:channel.

See the streams documentation.

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