Cheermotes list is incomplete

I tried

"uri": "<id>",
"headers": {
  "Authorization": "OAuth <access_token>",
  "Accept": "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"

with credentials option, to get list of cheermotes, I could get almost everything, normally 33 cheermotes below.

Cheer, DoodleCheer, PogChamp, Scoops, uni, ShowLove, Party, SeemsGood,
Pride, Kappa, FrankerZ, HeyGuys, DansGame, EleGiggle, TriHard, Kreygasm,
4Head, SwiftRage, NotLikeThis, FailFish, VoHiYo, PJSalt, MrDestructoid, bday,
RIPCheer, Shamrock, BitBoss, Streamlabs, Muxy, HolidayCheer, Goal, Anon,

…But there is Charity(2018 winter only) and there are NOT Subway and Bonus(2019 Sep. only).

I think data is not updated, is this endpoint out-of-date? Are there any equivalent in helix?
Or did I do something wrong?

Try appending the URL parameter include_sponsored=1.

1 Like

wow, Perfectly work. Thanks a lot.

Now I also slightly know why there is still Charity in that endpoint. :blush:

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